HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB 2015-06-16 #2CITY
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F VaA4,
Community Development Department — Planning Division
Meeting Date: June 16, 2015
Case Numbers: ZC14-002/ED14-097/UP14-052
Project Planner: Sean Kennings — (415) 533-2111
SUBJECT: 755 Lindaro Street (San Rafael Corporate Center New Office Building) and 788 Lincoln
Ave (Phase II Parking Structure expansion) — Request for Final Design Review of a 54 -foot
tall, four-story office building on the western parcel surface parking lot and a six story
expansion of the approved 788 Lincoln parking structure of the San Rafael Corporate Center;
APN: 013-012-39; Planned Development (PD1901) Zone; David McAdams, Applicant;
BioMarin, Owner; Downtown Activity Center neighborhood area. (Continued from May 19,
2015 for revisions)
The subject application consists of an Environmental and Design Review Permit for a new four-story
office building on a portion of a surface parking lot at the corner of Lindaro St/Andersen Dr and a six -
story parking structure addition (aka, LPG2) to the approved 788 Lincoln parking structure, located on
Parcels 1 and 8 of the San Rafael Corporate Center. The Design Review Board (DRB) reviewed this
application on two occasions, first as a Conceptual Review on September 16, 2014 and later as a
formal review on May 19, 2015. On September 16, 2014 the DRB reviewed the conceptual application
and addressed massing, size and locations of the proposed structures and the applicant revised their
project and returned to the DRB for formal review May 19, 2015.
At the conclusion of the May 19 meeting, the Board generally concluded the project design was
appropriate with further recommended modifications. The DRB continued the project to their June 16,
2015 meeting with direction to address the consensus items identified at the meeting. There are no
written meeting minutes, however, the video recording can be viewed at
www.cityofsanrafael.org/meetings and clicking on the video link for the May 19, 2015 DRB meeting
date under the archived videos. Staff has summarized the Board's consensus recommendations and
those are included in the Analysis section below.
The applicant has resubmitted plans with modifications made in response to the May 19th DRB
comments. The Board is asked to review and provide their recommendation to the Planning
Commission. A reduced (11 "x17" size) copy of plans reviewed by the DRB at its May 19 meeting have
been included in the packet (Exhibit 5).
The following revisions have been made to the project since the May 19, 2015 DRB meeting:
788 Lincoln — Lincoln Parking Garage Phase 2
o Reduced footprint of expansion garage
o Adding an entry feature at the Phase 2 garage expansion entrance.
o Wrapping the southeast tower of the Phase I parking structure
755 Lindaro — office building
o Redesigning the 755 Lindaro office building color pallet and fapade articulation to more
closely resemble existing buildings in the SRCC.
o Revising the roof eaves and overhangs.
o Redesigning fifth story faux windows mechanical room windows.
On May 19th, 2015, the Board reviewed the project and the changes that were made in response to the
initial review on September 16th, 2014. At its May 19th, 2015 meeting, the majority of the Board found
that the project had improved since the initial review but provided further recommendations. The Board
voted 4-0 to continue the matter to a date certain, June 16, 2015, to allow the applicant to address the
further recommendations.
The applicant has provided the attached letter (Exhibit 2) responding to the Board's comments from the
May 19th meeting. The applicant has also revised the plans to address some of the comments and has
returned for a follow-up review. A reduced set of the revised plans are included in the Board's packet,
as Exhibit 4. In addition, an 11" x 17" set of reduction of the April 8, 2015 set of plans (marked as
superseded) are also provided to the Board to allow for comparison, as Exhibit 5.
The revised submittal features mainly architectural detail enhancements to respond to comments made
by the Board. Siting, mass, height and scale of the structures generally remain unchanged. However,
the 788 Lincoln parking structure addition features a slightly smaller footprint, and as a result, a
reduction of 12 parking spaces. This brings the total vehicle parking spaces for the final build out to
1,563 spaces. Staff notes that the required parking for total build out is 1,561. Therefore, the proposal
continues to achieve the required 3.3/1,000 sq ft of office area parking ratio required for the campus.
The Board's consensus items from the May 19th, 2015 meeting are identified below bold and followed
by staff response and analysis.
788 Lincoln - Lincoln Parkinq Garage Phase 2
1. Wrap the southeastern tower element on the oxisting parking structure.
The applicant has enclosed the tower element as requested. It appears that the revisions have
addressed the Board's comments and recommendations.
2. Redesign the entrance portal for the garage
The revised plan includes a smaller footprint for the garage expansion and features two columns
and a cornice feature that appear to closely resemble the previously proposed cornice feature at
the roofline of the proposed structure
Board members were generally in agreement that the new garage entrance was lacking and
looked weak. A portal was suggested as a way to enhance this design feature for the structure.
This revision appears to have addressed the Board's comments and recommendations, although
staff notes that there was not consensus regarding the cornice feature proposed for the roofline
of the garage expansion.
3. Retain the temporary entrance/exit as second/emergency access
The revised plans continue to depict a temporary entrance/exit at the midblock region of the
Phase 1 portion of the parking structure. Staff notes that the revised plan set does not show this
second entrance as a primary design feature.
This recommendation has been partially addressed. The applicant has expressed their
willingness to address concerns of the Board and is open to have two entrances/exits from the
completed garage. However, the issue of a second entrance/exit will be determined by the San
Rafael Department of Public Works after further review. This recommendation of the DRB will
be carried forward to the Commission and Council.
4. Provide a signalized pedestrian crossing
The revised plans do not depict a signalized or enhanced crossing at Lincoln Ave. However,
staff notes that the previously approved Lincoln Parking Garage Phase 1 included a midblock
crossing from the parking structure to the greater SRCC campus. The applicant received similar
comments from the Board during the Design Review of that structure and made revisions to
accommodate previous suggestions.
This recommendation has been partially addressed. There is already an approved midblock
crossing from the garage structure to the SRCC campus. The applicant has expressed their
willingness to address concerns of the Board and is open to proposing a signalized or enhanced
crossing, however, this issue will be determined by the San Rafael Department of Public Works.
Staff has been informed that any new signalization on Lincoln would require that the
signalization meet certain warrants. Department of Public Works staff has indicated that their
initial read is that this location does not meet the required warrants to add a signal, but a traffic
study evaluating and analyzing the warrants study would need to be prepared
755 Lindaro — Office Building
1. Refine the design specific to Page 13 of the August 2014 submittal:
a. Increase the roof overhangs
b. Widen upper windows with white mullions
c. Delete the 5th story windows
d. Follow the overall campus look
e. Center tower on east elevation should follow campus look
Plans have been revised to update the architectural details and fagade elements highlighted by
the Board at the May 19th hearing.
It appears that the revisions have addressed the Board's comments and recommendations. Roof
overhangs have been increased and resemble the other buildings on the campus. The faux -5th
story windows for the mechanical rooms have been revised to be incorporated into the 4th story
windows. This is more consistent with other buildings on the campus. Tower elements have
been revised to resemble the overall campus look. Staff notes that the revisions to the design
are consistent with the elements featured on page 13 of the August '14 submittal.
2. Show the walkway across Mahon Creek
As requested, the revised Campus Overall Plan features the public walkway on the south side of
Mahon Creek. It appears that the revisions have addressed the Board's comments and
3. Update plan information to show public access
The revised plans have included the public walkway along the south side of Mahon Creek. The
plans have been revised to show a white colored pedestrian path as a means to highlight the
connection between 2nd Street and the Lindaro/Anderson intersection through the SRCC
It appears that the revisions have addressed the Board's comments and recommendations. Staff
notes that several Board members have suggested continuing pedestrian access behind the
parking structure at 788 Lincoln to connect to 2nd Street. Staff agrees that the existing public
path along the south side of Mahon Creek accomplishes this request.
Since the project was continued to date certain, no additional public notice was required nor provided.
However, staff did update the public hearing notice boards on the site to reflect the continued hearing
date. As of the reproduction of this staff report, staff has received new written comments from one
member of the public, a.copy of which is attached as Exhibit 3. Any comments received after the staff
report is reproduced will be forward to the Board prior to the meeting.
The revised plans appear to address most of the Board' May 19th recommendations, with the exception
of the second garage entrance/exit and signalized pedestrian crossing. However, Staff finds that the
project as designed for this location would substantially comply with the non-residential guidelines,
zoning regulations and General Plan policies, with conditions. Staff also continues to find that the
architecture, design and massing are adequate for this site and its surroundings.
The Board is asked to provide review the project revisions and determine whether the modifications
have addressed their previous comments and asks that the Board make their final recommendation on
the project design to the Planning Commission and City Council.
Following a positive recommendation by the Board, this matter will be forwarded to the Planning
Commission their review and recommendation (tentatively set for late summer 2015). The Planning
Commission will also consider the appropriate environmental review document that is being prepared
for the project. Following the Planning Commission review and recommendation, the City Council will
take final action on project.
1. Vicinity Map
2. Comment letter from the applicant responding to May 19th, 2015 DRB consensus items
3. Public comments
4. Revised Project Plans (11 "x17" plans have been provided to the DRB members only)
5. Prior Project Plans Reviewed by, DRB on May 19" (11 x 17" plans distributed to DRB members only)
cc: David McAdams
DGA Architects
201 Filbert Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94133
BioMarin Pharmaceutical
Jim Redenbarger
770 Lindaro Street
San Rafael, CA 94901v
Montecito Area Residents' Association
PO Box 150266
San Rafael, CA 94915
Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods
PO Box 151485
San Rafael, CA 94915-1485
Gerstle Park Neighborhood Association
P.O. Box 150644
San Rafael, CA 94915
Vicinity Map - 755 Lindaro & 788 Lincoln (Phase 2 Parking Garage)
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Exhibit 1 - Vicinity Map
DGA planning I architecture I interiors
June 10, 2015
Mr Sean Kennings
Contract Planner
Re: Responses to Comments
[ZC 14-002/ED 14-097/UP 14-052] Formal Design Review Board Comments and Minutes for
BioMarin: San Rafael Corporate Center, 755 Lindaro (Office Building) and 788 Lincoln Road
(Parking Structure) (APN: 013-12-39 & 13-021-50)
Dear Mr. Kennings:
The following summarizes modifications to the proposed project that the project sponsor and design
team have undertaken in response to the comments received during the Formal Design Review Board
hearing for the 755 Lindaro and 788 Lincoln Rd project, held on May 19, 2015.
We appreciate the DRB members' thoughtful review of the project and the clear feedback that we
received. We understand from the hearing and your subsequent written comments that the Board
Members were all in agreement that the massing, size, and location of the two structures was
appropriate for the site in relation to the greater SRCC campus.
There were several comments regarding detailed design elements and materials selections, and we have
revised the design in response to those comments. In general the DRB was in agreement that 755
Lindaro should be revised to more closely reflect the level of detail seen in the other buildings in the
5RCC campus.
For 788 Lincoln the DRB requested that the design team study a modification to the primary entrance
to the garage to create more of a'portal', and that the tower element on the east side of the building be
modified at the top floor to be more solid. The DRB also requested the design team explore maintaining
the temporary entrance to the garage along Lincoln as a permanent entry or exit. Several members
requested that the midblock crossing include enhanced pavers and a signed and signalized crossing.
The Staff summary listed the consensus items for 755 Lindaro as follows:
• Refine the design specific to Page 13 of the August' 14 submittal
• Increase the roof overhangs
• Widen upper windows with white mullions
• Delete the 5th story windows
• Follow the overall campus look
201 Filbert Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, California 94133 415-477-2700 DGAonlinexom MOUNTAIN VIEW I SAN FRANCISCO I SAN DIEGO
Exhibit 2 - Letter from Applicant
755 Lindaro and 788 Lincoln Phase 2 June 10, 2015
Response to DRB Comments
• Center tower on east elevation should follow campus look
In the revised design we have studied the features of the campus and have increased the level of
variation and detail on the building as follows:
• The fourth story windows have been increased in width on the east, west, and south elevations,
and have been revised on all four elevations to reflect the more vertical mullion division pattern
typical of the top story windows of the adjacent buildings.
• The roof overhang and bracket size. have been increased on the primary (east) fagade along
Lincoln, transitioning to shallower overhangs on the secondary facades in keeping with the
design of the adjacent buildings.
• The intent has always been to utilize white mullions matching those of the adjacent buildings.
The drawings have been modified to more closely reflect that direction.
• The tower at the corner of Anderson and Lindaro has been revised to delete the 51h level
windows and to reflect the tower design used at 790 Lindaro at the corner of 2nd Avenue.
• The center tower on the east elevation has been revised to more closely match the northwest
tower on 770 Lindaro and the BioMarin signage has been removed.
• On the east elevation large two-story windows have been added to further articulate the fagade.
Metal eyebrows typical of the center campus buildings have been added over these windows.
• On the west elevation the center tower has been increased in height approximately 3' to
improve its proportions and the BioMarin signage has been removed. Signage will be handled as
a separate request.
• Metal eyebrows typical of the center campus buildings have been added over the large two-
story windows on the west elevation.
• The planted screens in front of the access areas at the ground floor have been further
developed. The screens (similar to the green screens on the adjacent garage) will be fabricated
to be attached to large planter boxes in which vines will be planted. When access is required
the planter boxes can be moved and replaced with the screens and plants intact.
• A heavier dashed line has been added to the site plan and landscape plan for 755 Lindaro to
indicate the extent of the building above.
The Staff summary listed the consensus items for 788 Lincoln as follows:
• Wrap the tower element on the parking structure
• Redesign the entrance portal for the garage
• Retain the temporary entrance/exit as second/emergency access
• Provide a protected/signalized pedestrian crossing
• Show the walkway across Mahon Creek
• Update plan information to show public access
In the revised design we have proposed modifications as follows:
• The south end of the garage was studied to revise the entry to create more of a portal. In the
process it was determined that we could shorten the garage by approximately the length of a
parking space by reworking some of the internal parking layout.
III' DGA the union of design & technology page 2
755 Lindaro and 788 Lincoln Phase 2
Response to DRB Comments
June 10, 2015
• The entry portal has been revised to include a small canopy with column supports. The canopy
will provide weather protection as well as a more identifiable entry point to the garage.
• The east tower has been modified at the roof level to replace the column with a wall to improve
the perception of the tower's mass.
• The project sponsor and the design team are working with Public Works to determine the
feasibility of retaining the temporary entry as a permanent feature.
• The project sponsor and the design team are working with Public Works to determine the
feasibility of signalizing the crosswalk.
• The site plan drawing has been expanded to include the area across Mahon Creek and the public
pathway along the east side of the creek has been indicated in white.
In addition to the above modifications we plan to bring materials samples to the next hearing for your
review of the proposed colors.
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the proposed project.
Daid McAdams, AIA
Pri cipal
DGA Planning Architecture Interiors
DGA the union of design & technology page 3
RE Fair IsaacBioMarin_response.txt
From: Raffi Boloyan <Raffi.Boloyan@cityofsanrafael.org>
Sent: wednesday, June 03, 2015 7:59 AM
To: Lori
cc: sean@lakassociates.com; Raffi.Boloyan@cityofsanrafael.org
Subject: RE: Fair Isaac/BioMarin
see responses below in red
Raffi Boloyan
Planning Manager
P.O. BOX 151560
SAN RAFAEL, CA 94915-151560
TEL: (415) 485-3095
FAX: (415) 485-3184
From: Lori [mailto:Lori.Sch@att.net]
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2015 9:13 PM
To: Raffi Boloyan
Cc: <sean@lakassociates.com>
Subject: Re: Fair Isaac/BioMarin
Thanks Raffi, I hope you are feeling better.
I actually asked Sean before I asked you.
similar answer.
No problem I got a copy.
I don't know what it means for a project to be "continued to date certain. "
I do think it's inconceivable that you think people who took the original flyer
don't think you
have left the boards there in error since that meeting is already over.
That's what I thought and that's what the newspaper people thought too. I guess we
are all VERY
stupid, huh? Continued to date certain is just that. The Board continued it to a
specific date, and
that was transmitted to the people who were in attendance at the meeting who showed
Up. No
comment on your other statement
NOTHING leads me to believe this is a different flyer than the one I got out of my
car to take, a
few weeks ago. New flyers were placed in the board and the notice placard on the
notice board
was updated with the new date
It might be "nice" to let people know this is an updated flyer.
This one also has a typo in it.
Now I want to know how the toxins under the asphalt of the parking lot are going to
Page 1
Exhibit 3 m Public Comments
RE Fair IsaacBioMarin_response.txt
be taken
care of.
Can you tell me who can get me that info?
we have an environmental consultant, Kimley Horn, preparing an initial study, per
the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). That initial study will be published for a 30 day
review period, 30 days before the Planning Commission meeting, that is TBD. The
initial study
will be available on line, on the city web site that I have previously sent you
regarding Bio
Marin, once the 30 day period starts. Hard copy will also be available here, at the
counter, for review at the counter if you prefer, again, once the 30 day period
starts. It is being
completed now, as we speak and will be finalized if and when the DRB finishes their
You are more than welcome to read and review that document and provide any written
comments on environmental topics during the 30 day public comment period for the
initial study
or speak at the planning commission meeting that will occur at the end of the 30 day
review period. Notice of that meeting will be mailed out per the procedures I have
explained and the site will be posted
on Jun 1, 2015, at 2:16 PM, Raffi Boloyan <Raffi.Boloyan@cityofsanrafael.org> wrote:
I believe you are asking about the Master use Permit, which is the city approval
that memorialized
the meeting room for the community and the after hours parking
You are more than welcome to review thee planning files for the Bio Marin project at
any time
during open planning counter hours, which is M and Th from 8:30 to 5:00 or T, wed
and Fri's
from 8:30 to 12:45
If you want us to go through the files and find those for you, I will need to know
and assign it to
someone to do the file research the find the document you are asking about. It may
take up to a
week for us to gt to it. I've copied he project planner, Sean Kennings, and if you
want a copy of
the Master use Permit, you can let him know and he can go through the files and pull
out a copy
for you and leave it at will call . Like I said, it can take up to a week if you
want us to do the work
The BioMarin project was continued to date certain, therefore, mailing of public
notice is not
required and thus was not mailed out. The notice boards installed at the site were
updated with the
continued meeting date of June 16th
Thank you
Raffi Boloyan
Page 2
RE Fair•IsaacBioMarin_response.txt
-----original Message -----
From: Lori [mailto:Lori.sch@att.net]
Sent: wed 5/27/2015 12:23 PM
To: Raffi Boloyan
Subject: Fair Isaac/BioMarin
Hi Raffi,
can you please point me to the documents that discuss the free parking and meeting
rooms that
Linda Bellatore and I negotiated for as part of the Fair Isaac or corporate center
buildings. I
believe these were negotiated for a height bonus.
I probably didn't ask this properly so I hope you understand what I am looking for.
In addition, I was wondering if you have sent out notices for the June 16th meeting?
Lori Schifrin
Page 3
Re Fair IsaacBioMarin.txt
From: Lori <Lori.sch@att.net>
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2015 9:13 PM
To: Raffi Boloyan
Cc: <sean@lakassociates.com>
subject: Re: Fair Isaac/BioMarin
Thanks Raffi, I hope you are feeling better.
I actually asked Sean before I asked you.
similar answer.
No problem I got a copy.
I don't know what it means for a project to be "continued to date certain. "
I do think it's inconceivable that you think people who took the original flyer
don't think you
have left the boards there in error since that meeting is already over.
That's what I thought and that's what the newspaper people thought too. I guess we
are all VERY
stupid, huh?
NOTHING leads me to believe this is a different flyer than the one I got out of my
car to take, a
few weeks ago.
It might be "nice" to let people know this is an updated flyer.
This one also has a typo in it.
Now I want to know how the toxins under the asphalt of the parking lot are going to
be taken
care of.
can you tell me who can get me that info?
on Jun 1, 2015, at 2:16 PM, Raffi Boloyan <Raffi.Boloyan@cityofsanrafael.org> wrote:
I believe you are asking about the Master use Permit, which is the city approval
that memorialized
the meeting room for the community and the after hours parking
You are more than welcome to review thee planning files for the Bio Marin project at
any time
during open planning counter hours, which is M and Th from 8:30 to 5:00 or T, wed
and Fri's
from 8:30 to 12:45
If you want us to go through the files and find those for you, I will need to know
and assign it to
someone to do the file research the find the document you are asking about. It may
take up to a
week for us to gt to it. I've copied he project planner, Sean Kennings, and if you
want a copy of
Page 1
Re Fair IsaacBioMarin.txt
the Master use Permit, you can let him know and he can go through the files and pull
out a copy
for you and leave it at will call . Like I said, it can take up to a week if you
want us to do the work
The BioMarin project was continued to date certain, therefore, mailing of public
notice is not
required and thus was not mailed out. The notice boards installed at the site were
updated with the
continued meeting date of June 16th
Thank you
Raffi Boloyan
-----original Message -----
From: Lori [mailto:Lori.sch@att.net]
sent: wed 5/27/2015 12:23 PM
To: Raffi Boloyan
subject: Fair Isaac/BioMarin
Hi Raffi,
Can you please point me to the documents that discuss the free parking and meeting
rooms that
Linda Bellatore and I negotiated for as part of the Fair Isaac or Corporate Center
buildings. I
believe these were negotiated for a height bonus.
I probably didn't ask this properly so I hope you understand what I am looking for.
In addition, I was wondering if you have sent out notices for the June 16th meeting?
Lori schifrin
Page 2